
Ms. Christine G. Mwakatobe

Managing Director

CPA.Meshack Ndiyogi

Ag.Manager Finance, Planning and Investment (MFPI)

Ms.Mkunde Senyagwa Mushi

Director of Business Services (DBS)

Mr. Lukelo Mkuye

Ag. Director of Real Estate and Management Unit (DREMU)

Dr. Ezekiel Moirana

Ag. Director of Hospital Service (DHS)

Ms. Catherine Kilinda

Manager – JNICC

Mr. Freddy Maro

Head Public Relations and Communications (HPRC)

Mr. Fransisko Mashimbi

Manager Procurement Management Unit (MPMU)

Mr. Festo Mramba

Manager Human Resource Management and Administration Section (MHRMA)

Mr. Rutunda B. Rutunda

Senior ICT and Statistic Unit (SICTSU)

Mr. Benedict Kanaku

Manager Internal Auditor Unit (MIAU)

Mr. Winfred E. Komba

Head of Legal Service Unit (HLSU

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